Cé ba cheart a bheith páirteach i gcosaint na hoidhreachta?
- Arna réiteach ag
- Asociatia Perseidele
- Údair
- Marioara Pascu, Ileana Patru- Stupariu
Físeáin shamplacha
Ní thiocfaidh an traidisiún slán as dhá ghlúin d’fhaillí
Pléann rannpháirtithe ó thionscadal HEART conas is féidir oidhreacht dholáimhsithe a chailleadh fiú nuair a bhíonn na hearraí inláimhsithe fós ann. Is é sin, mura bhfuil aon duine ag cur an eolais a bhaineann leis na hearraí sin ar aghaidh.
Victoria Ghilas — ag labhairt thar ceann na n-ealaíontóirí
Le breis agus 20 bliain, tá an t-ealaíontóir Victoria Ghilas ag péinteáil troscáin sa stíl thraidisiúnta de chuid na Sacsanach ón Trasalváin. Is ealaíontóir í ag a bhfuil punann chasta ealaíne. Éistimis léi!
Cuairt ar cheardlann Mobilapictata.ro
Tugann muid cuairt ar cheardlann Mobilapictat.ro i Cisnadioara, áit a n-oibríonn siúinéirí leis an adhmad agus áit a dtugann péintéirí dath dó. Óna lámha siúd a thagann an troscán péinteáilte, seantraidisiún de chuid na Sacsanach sa Trasalváin.
The responsibility for conserving, protecting and safeguarding heritage, whether tangible or intangible, lies primarily with:
- Specialised international organisations which have created a series of conventions and recommendations.
- The national states and public authorities on whose territory the cultural goods are located are obliged by law to protect, safeguard and preserve the heritage whether it is of national, regional or local importance.
- The community — it directly inherits the heritage of past generations, it also contributes to its perpetuation, it actively participates in the improvement of this heritage by adding its own experience, by introducing modern elements into the traditional composition and structure, resulting in a heritage as valuable as the inherited one because it also integrates their vision, philosophy and work. The community creates the "bridges" between the modern and the traditional and plays an important role in the formation of the contemporary/modern heritage. We focus on the role of community-based art in safeguarding intangible heritage.
Watch the attached videos to see HEART participants discussing the role of people in safeguarding heritage.