Ceacht scríbhneoireachta: Cuimhne chéadfach
- Arna réiteach ag
- Kansalaisfoorumi
- Údar
- Timo Harju
The purpose of this exercise is to write about tradition through one moment in time, so that you can live that moment, and its meaning becomes closer to both the writer and the recipient of the text.
How the exercise enables transformative learning: It gives an opportunity to better experience the relevance of cultural tradition.
The ideal number of participants: Any size group where you can share the writings, whether via reading or text.
Duration: About 15 minutes to write.
Materials required: Paper and pen.
Step by step description
- Think about times when you have been part of a tradition.
- Choose one moment.
- Write a short description of the moment. Focus on using all your senses in the description.
Tips to the instructor: Emphasize all the different senses. Encourage group members to also try a moment that has not often been remembered.