Ceacht: "botijo" a dhéanamh agus foghlaim faoin oidhreacht

Arna réiteach ag
Blue Beehive
Blue Beehive


Céimeanna chun "botijo" traidisiúnta a dhéanamh

Cuir eolas ar dhéantús an botijo. Cuid bhunúsach de chultúr na Spáinne, go háirithe sna réigiúin is teo den tír, atá sa botijo. D'úsáidtí an cré-earra póiriúil seo leis na cianta d'fhonn uisce a choinneáil fuar, fiú ar na laethanta samhraidh ba bhrothallaí.

The “botijo” (earthenware pitcher), a very typical Spanish piece of pottery, is a wonderful piece of craftsmanship with a rich history and a much-appreciated practical function, especially in hot climates. This exercise describes how to create the botijo and learn about the intangible cultural heritage that surrounds it.

Ideal number of participants: 5–15.

Duration: 60 minutes for creation, 5 minutes for sharing experiences.

Materials required: Clay, ceramic tools, paper, pencil and tape recorder for conversations, preferably also a "Botijo" to show.

Step-by-step description

  1. Show a traditional "botijo": Start by showing a traditional botijo and explaining its function and the process of creation.
  2. Prepare the materials: Make sure you have all the necessary materials at hand. This includes clay, pottery tools, paper, pencil and a recorder for conversations.
  3. Creating the "botijo": Participants try to create their own clay "botijo", following traditional techniques: creation of the main body, internal casting, 2 holes and handle. This may include modelling the clay, adding details and preparing the "botijo" for drying and firing. Read the steps in more detail here.
  4. Sharing experiences: Once participants have finished creating their "botijos", they should share their experiences. This may include discussing the difficulties and achievements they encountered in creating the "botijo".
  5. Reflecting on cultural value: Finally, participants should reflect on the cultural value of the "botijo" and the importance of preserving these traditional techniques. This may include a discussion on the importance of "botijos" in Valencian and Spanish culture and how their creation has been passed down through the generations.
Co-funded by the European Union

Arna mhaoiniú ag an Aontas Eorpach. Is leis an údar/na húdair amháin na tuairimí agus na dearcthaí a léirítear agus ní gá gur léiriú iad ar thuairimí agus dearcthaí an Aontais Eorpaigh nó na Gníomhaireachta Feidhmiúcháin Eorpaí um Oideachas agus Cultúr (EACEA). Ní féidir freagracht a chur ar an Aontas Eorpach ná ar an EACEA astu.

  • Kansalaisfoorumi
  • Asociatia Perseidele
  • Blue Beehive
  • Oideas Gael
  • University of Eastern Finland

© HEART 2024
