Suirbhé ar rannpháirtithe a dhéanamh

Arna réiteach ag

A digital participant survey is an easy way to give another opportunity for the participants to use their voice. You can also find out a lot about their experience, including what they learned during a course or workshop.

In our pilot workshops, we wanted to find out about transformation in the participants’ lives due to the course. For this purpose, we created two surveys: one at the last meeting of the course, and one when some time had passed after the course. The two surveys asked mostly the same questions, but the second survey was shorter. The surveys gave the participants a chance to reflect on their own learning, which we thought would further support their motivation to continue the activities they started on the course.

You can find our example surveys here and here. You are free to use these! Just copy them for yourself and modify as needed.

Here is a sample question that we repeated in both surveys. The question was designed to encourage deeper reflection on one’s experience of cultural heritage. You could modify the feelings being asked about for any other topic you are exploring in a course or workshop.

Screenshot including sample question from a participant survey.
Co-funded by the European Union

Arna mhaoiniú ag an Aontas Eorpach. Is leis an údar/na húdair amháin na tuairimí agus na dearcthaí a léirítear agus ní gá gur léiriú iad ar thuairimí agus dearcthaí an Aontais Eorpaigh nó na Gníomhaireachta Feidhmiúcháin Eorpaí um Oideachas agus Cultúr (EACEA). Ní féidir freagracht a chur ar an Aontas Eorpach ná ar an EACEA astu.

  • Kansalaisfoorumi
  • Asociatia Perseidele
  • Blue Beehive
  • Oideas Gael
  • University of Eastern Finland

© HEART 2024