Exercise: Examine a heritage business
- Produced by
- Asociatia Perseidele
- Author
- Marioara Pascu

Heritage is not an exclusively artistic field. In this case study, heritage is a field of economic activity. A traditional activity in danger of disappearing can become a business idea for an entrepreneur capable of developing a niche business that revitalises and enhances that tradition. The case study can be used in economics and career guidance classes.
- To identify ways in which heritage can become a successful business.
- To gain an understanding of how a fading intangible tradition has been revived by an entrepreneur.
- Entrepreneurship.
- The ability to identify opportunities for personal pursuits.
- The ability to work individually and in teams.
- The ability to appreciate and identify strengths and weaknesses.
- Self-starter, independence, motivation and determination to achieve objectives.
Read/watch carefully the interview with Mircea Ungurean and discuss in teams the following questions:
- How did Mircea start this business activity that has as its focus an old popular Saxon tradition?
- Which is your opinion about Mircea Ungurean's decision to reactivate the tradition of Saxon painted furniture?
- Which are the skills that Mircea has shown in his work?
- What role did the public administration play in his project?