Exercise: Practise your investigation skills
- Produced by
- Asociatia Perseidele
- Author
- Marioara Pascu

This exercise trains investigation skills and puts theoretical notions into practice by analysing and observing heritage objects in museum settings. The students make value judgments.
Exercise (individual or group)
- Investigate a heritage piece from the museum collection you are visiting, such as a piece of painted Saxon furniture, and analyse it in terms of:
- materials used,
- the size and shape of the object,
- the sets,
- chromatic features.
- Do you consider that the object under consideration has heritage value? If yes, please give reasons.
- Do you think it is worth preserving? Why?
- Draw up an inventory sheet of the heritage object under investigation (with the help of museum staff).
Inventory sheet
- Name: (e.g. chair, chest)
- Image: (insert image)
- The museum collection to which it belongs:
- Place of origin:
- Age: (year, century approximately)
- Which culture/tradition it is attributed to: (e.g. Transylvanian Saxons)
- Object description:
- What it is/was used for:
- Manufacturing materials:
- The technique used in making it: