Exercise: Discovering an ancient tradition
- Produced by
- Asociatia Perseidele
- Author
- Marioara Pascu

The exercise can be used in adult education as well as in schools. It fosters the ability to analyse heritage artefacts and identify cultural particularities. The working method can be adapted to other heritage artifacts according to the context.
- To clarify the artistic principle underlying the appreciation of furniture objects as heritage pieces.
- To associate the technical, functional and aesthetic needs of a piece of furniture.
- To train a critical and well-reasoned perspective on the furniture's built-in environment.
Targeted competences
- Show an interest in Saxon heritage, recognising its value.
- Compare and explore objects of Saxon heritage using photographs/digital resources.
Students will be given some cards/photographs of Saxon heritage objects. They will then select one and describe it to their peers, assuming the role of an artist presenting their work to their clients. They will provide information on the process, materials used, working time and tools needed. After presenting the cards, the students will choose a model to draw. They will conclude with group discussions on: the particular features of the pieces of furniture, the details that have attracted their interest, the aspects they appreciate most, and the importance of preserving these models.